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Thanks you so much for your help. I scored 972 in my exam today. More than 90% were from your PDFs!
Thanks a lot for this updated AZ-900 Q&A. I just passed my exam and got 974, I followed both of your Az-900 videos and the 6 PDF, the PDFs are very much valid, all answers are correct. Could you please create a similar video/PDF for DP900, your content/PDF's is really awesome. The team did a really good job. Thank You 😊.
Ahamed Shibly
Customer support is realy fast and helpful, I just finished my exam and this video along with the 6 PDF helped me pass! Definitely recommend getting the PDFs. Thank you!
Warren D
Passed my exam today with 891 marks. Out of 52 questions, 51 were from certyiq PDFs including Contoso case study. Thank You certyiq team!
Henry Rome
These questions are real and 100 % valid. Thank you so much for your efforts, also your 4 PDFs are awesome, I passed the DP900 exam on 1 Sept. With 968 marks. Thanks a lot, buddy!
Simple easy to understand explanations. To anyone out there wanting to write AZ900, I highly recommend 6 PDF's.Thank you so much, appreciate all your hard work in having such great content. Passed my exam Today - 3 September with 942 score. Thanks!